Anayeli: GED to CTE

GED Instructor Jesus Garcia shared why he nominated Anayeli as a 2023 Student of the Year: 

"Anayeli migrated with her family to the US when she was 14 years old. In 2005 she attended Estancia High School in Costa Mesa, but was not able to graduate in time with her class. After getting married in 2008 and having her first child, Anayeli set aside her goal of earning her high school diploma for a while.  

During the pandemic, she enrolled in the Huntington Beach Adult School. Our online GED Program afforded Anayeli a way to do schoolwork and still take care of her family. On many occasions she attended our school Zoom meetings in her car—the only quiet place where she could do schoolwork.  

Anayeli often stayed up very late to study. It was all worth it. She took and passed three (Social Studies, English, Science) of the four required sections to earn a GED. On the morning of March 16, 2023—before her Math test—Anayeli gathered her 3 kids and prayed with them. On that day she passed this last section and earned her GED. 

Anayeli Nunez is a perfect example of a student who never gave up her goal of earning a High School Equivalency. Today, she celebrates her accomplishment with her husband and three kids." 

Anayeli is now continuing her HBAS journey in our Medical Assistant Program. She is also open to exploring other opportunities to attend college in the future. 

We are thrilled that Anayeli decided to start a career pathway with us—just in time to take advantage of our Free CTE initiative!  

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