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WASC Accreditation

What is WASC?  

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) is an Accrediting Commission serving over 4,600 schools.  "WASC accreditation  is a process schools use to monitor student learning and set school improvement goals. Every six years, accredited schools conduct a self-study and host a self-study visit. The self-study process culminates in the refinement of a schoolwide action plan."    


Why is WASC accreditation important?  

It's vital that our students can trust the quality of their education at HBAS.  A part of building that trust is being accredited.  WASC accreditationassures a school community that the school’s purposes are appropriate and being accomplished through a viable education program."  In simpler terms, it shows that we set goals for learning, and help students achieve those goals.    


2024 WASC Visit  

In March 2024, HBAS hosted a WASC Visiting Committee made up of adult school educators. This visit was the culmination of an intensive process that began back in November 2022. Our Self-Study Report reflects an examination our school’s operations, student learning objectives, strengths and areas for improvement. Students, staff, and community members met and offered input to ensure their needs and ideas were incorporated. We compiled our findings and developed a school-wide action plan.  


Committee members reviewed our Self-Study Report in preparation for their visit. While on campus, the committee observed classes and met with staff and students. At the end of their visit, the committee shared findings and recommendations based on their review of our report, and their observations and interactions at our school.   

An "A+" Rating 

A couple months later, HBAS received the result of our WASC visit: a six-year term of accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. At the 3-year mark, we are asked to submit a mid-term report to provide an update on our progress in implementing our action plan. Basically, this means that the committee approves of our action plan and determined we don't need another visitation for 6 years. You could say we earned an “A+”.  Our staff is honored to receive such a high rating and proud of the work we are doing, now validated, to provide the best education and services our students can get.