HBAS Webpages » Career Training » Office Clerk / Data Entry Clerk

Office Clerk / Data Entry Clerk

Office Clerk / Data Entry Clerk Classes

Office Clerk / Data Entry Clerk

Rather than performing a single specialized task, Office Clerks/Data Entry Clerks have responsibilities that often change daily with the needs of the specific job and the employer. Some clerks spend their days filing or keyboarding. Others enter data at a computer terminal. They also operate photocopiers, fax machines, and other office equipment; prepare mailings; proofread documents; and answer telephones and deliver messages. The specific duties assigned to a clerk vary significantly, depending on the type of office in which he or she works. The HBAS Career Training Center prepares Office Clerks/Data Entry Clerks to be prepared for just about any environment they might find themselves in. To receive program certification students must complete all classes within a 2-year time frame.
FREE Required Information Session for students considering enrolling!   

Instructor: Tracy Foreman
Tracy Foreman is a Vocational Education credentialed instructor in Computer Applications, Office Occupations and Business Management. She has a Master’s Degree in Education Administration, a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and has been teaching at Huntington Beach Adult School for 19 years. Tracy is recognized as an online instructor, completing the Leading Edge Certification course. She also earned the California Council for Adult Education award for Excellence in Teaching in 2008. In addition to teaching, Tracy is the current Coordinator of the Career Technical Education department.
For questions please call 714-842-4227 or email Tracy Foreman at [email protected]

Classes are located at our Main Campus: 17231 Gothard Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Proof of High School Diploma or GED Required

Required Coursework:

  • FREE Information Session
  • Pass CTE Assessment
  • Career Readiness Skills
  • Data Entry/10 Key Certification (140 kpm minimum)
  • Keyboarding Certification (40 wpm minimum)
  • Computer Basics I & II
  • Microsoft Word Beginning
  • Microsoft Excel Beginning
  • Windows Essentials & File Management
Total cost of program: $642.00 (FREE with High School Diploma GED or equivalent)