Notary Public
Notary Public Classes
Notary Public
California needs additional professional notaries. Become a more valuable employee or own your own business. The course is designed to provide students the knowledge to become a California notary public and prepare you for the state’s examination. State proctors will administer the Notary Examination at the end of the class*.
To become a notary public you must meet all of the following requirements: (Government Code section 8201)
• Be a legal resident of the State of California;
• Be at least 18 years of age;
• Satisfactorily complete a course of study approved by the Secretary of State;
• Pass a written examination prescribed by the Secretary of State; and
• Pass a background check.
To determine if a person meets the requirements to fulfll the responsibilities of the position, a completed application and a 2” x 2” color passport photograph of the applicant shall be submitted at the examination site, then forwarded to the Secretary of State’s ofce and reviewed by Secretary of State staf for qualifying information. (Government Code section 8201.5) To assist the Secretary of State in determining the identity of an applicant and whether the applicant has been convicted of a disqualifying crime, state law requires all applicants to be fngerprinted as part of a thorough background check prior to being granted an appointment as a notary public (Government Code section 8201.1). Information concerning the fngerprinting requirements will be mailed to candidates who pass the examination.
Bring with you to class:
- $49 cash or money order/cashier's check made payable to Masters Notary Academy for the study materials.
- $40 check/money order/cashier's check made payable to Secretary of State for the notary public exam.
- Valid identification such as driver license, ID card, passport
No same day registration.
Please email instructor Danny Perez with any questions at [email protected]